14 Times the Royal Family Were “Royally” Caught Off Guard

Generally speaking, members of the Royal Family need to project confidence and calm wherever they go. They are the living representatives of England, with all the “stiff upper lip” protocol that you’d expect from this famous family. But at the end of the day, the...

Photos the Royal Family NEVER Wanted Us to See

We petty commoners spend a lot of time making fun of the Royal Family’s protocols because all those rules often seem pretty silly. But there is a method to the royal madness: in a perfect world, these rules help the royals maintain their public image,...

The Biggest Royal Rules Prince William Has Ever Broken

While they certainly have their own share of controversies, the British Royal Family typically tries to present themselves as regal role models for an entire nation. In addition to embodying the English tradition of the “stiff upper lip,” the royals are guided by centuries of...

7 Times Royal Children Upstaged Their Famous Families

One of the best things about being a royal is that wherever you go, you’re generally the most important person in the room. That means all eyes are always on the royals…unless, of course, the royal in question happened to bring a cute kid or...