Barron Trump’s Most Embarrassing Moments On Camera

Over the years, we’ve noticed that Barron Trump is the victim of some serious irony. Moreso than anyone else in Donald Trump’s family, Barron wants to fade into the background and let the paparazzi focus on someone else. However, due to his dad’s political ambitions and his own prodigious height, Barron can’t help but stand out wherever he goes.

Paparazzi have been snapping pics of Barron for a long time now, meaning that he’s in the media much more often than he would like. And sometimes, the camera captures some extremely goofy moments from the young man. Don’t believe it? Keep reading to discover Barron Trump’s most embarrassing moments ever caught on camera!

Not letting go of dear old dad

Most of the world didn’t know who Barron Trump was until Donald Trump began his ultimately successful presidential campaign. Of course, dear old dad was a big name well before then, and he eventually pivoted from focusing solely on real estate to appearing in movies and shows, eventually becoming a reality star in his own right.

Because of that, it made sense that Donald Trump received his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Never one to miss a chance to speak, the elder Trump was there for his induction and had quite a bit to say. He almost didn’t get to say it, though, because young Barron grabbed the microphone and hilariously didn’t let go until his dad finally pried the youngster’s fingers away and could finally dive into his speech.

RELATED: The Craziest Things About Donald Trump’s Relationship With Barron

Looking sleepy on election night

Election night 2016 was a very big evening for Donald Trump. That was when he realized his seemingly impossible goal of getting elected President of the United States. And since his wife and young son had been part of his campaign from the beginning, it only made sense that they would be there to support Donald on his big day.

As for Barron Trump, he was there in body if not spirit. The election was called very late into the night, and Donald Trump’s youngest kid was very sleepy. He joined his dad onstage for the inevitable speech about unifying the country. It was a rousing speech but not to Barron, who looked like he was about to nod off the entire time!

A sad attempt at a high-five

Fortunately for Donald Trump, Barron seemed much more awake and generally energetic on Inauguration Day. He had already won the election, but this was going to be the elder Trump’s biggest moment: getting sworn in as President of the United States. At one point, cameras captured what was supposed to be a moment of lighthearted celebration between Melania and Barron Trump. 

Normally, you’d think it’s almost impossible to mess up a high-five. However, Barron seemed like he didn’t even know what a high-five was. He looked at his mother’s upraised hand with apparent confusion, then seemingly waved at her after she lowered her hand. She briefly tried again and then gave up, only for poor Barron to slap the empty hair where his mother’s hand used to be.

RELATED: Surprising Secrets About Barron Trump’s Childhood Now Revealed

Bored to death at the RNC

Before he became so popular among conservatives, Donald Trump had to win over his fellow Republicans. That meant winning everyone over at the 2016 Republican National Convention. Perhaps hoping to make himself look better, he brought Barron, but he likely regretted this decision right away.

In short, the kiddo was bored out of his mind and didn’t care who noticed it. He has his head down at points and even plays with the chair of his arm in idle frustration. It’s pretty embarrassing, but we can’t help but feel sympathetic, as events like this really do seem like they’d be deathly ill for anyone who isn’t completely devoted to politics.

Cringing at dad’s dance moves

You’ve probably noticed that most of Barron Trump’s awkward moments come from when he was much younger. However, we watched him grow up before our very eyes, and he is now far less prone to making embarrassing gaffes like he once did. Now, he’s far more likely to engage in the favorite pastime of young men everywhere: cringing in embarrassment at his dad’s attempts to look cool.

In the clip below, you can see Donald and Barron Trump entering Mar-a-Lago on Easter Sunday. The elder Trump immediately engages in a trademark dance move where he pumps his fists up and down…a strange sight, but not exactly unfamiliar since he does it at so many rallies.

The people in the room seem to dig it with the notable exception of Barron. With a look of amused resignation, the young man looks like he wants his dad to just stop dancing or, barring that, for the Earth to swallow them both.

RELATED: 4 Times Barron Trump Was Too Cool For Donald