It’s not hard to see why the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial is so fascinating for all of us. After all, it combines two of our favorite things: this is one part Law & Order TV procedural and one part insane celebrity drama.
Arguably, we haven’t had a public celebrity trial so captivating since the O.J. Simpson trial. Of course, the Depp/Heard trial has something going for it that the O.J. trial never did: TikTok!
TikTok users have been keeping track of this trial and helping some of its weirdest and wildest moments go viral. Ready to catch up on the trial of the century? Keep reading to discover some absolutely bonkers clips!
Paperwork problems
While the trial is still going, Depp is currently winning in the court of public opinion. One of the reasons for this is that he comes across as funny and disarming no matter what he is doing.
Case in point: in this clip, Depp struggles to find some important paperwork. And after Depp makes one of his trademark wisecracks, you can tell that even the professional lawyers in the room can’t stop laughing at his antics.
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Winona forever
Another humanizing quality of Johnny Depp is that he makes impulsive decisions. In this clip, we see him talking about getting a tattoo that said “Winona Forever” back when he was dating Winona Ryder. They later broke up, leaving Depp to come up with the creative solution of changing the tattoo to “Wino Forever.”
The funny part, though, is seeing Amber Heard staring bullets the whole time. Once more, Depp comes across as funny and charming and Heard likes like she is ready to go on a rampage!
TikTok goes to trial
The trial keeps delivering moments that seem right out of a legal drama. For example, Heard’s lawyer claimed that the actress carried around a very particular makeup product in order to hide bruises and injuries she allegedly received from Depp.
However, the makeup product in question didn’t come out until 2017, and Depp and Heard finalized their divorce in 2017. Basically, Heard was caught in a complete lie, and we know this because the makeup company took to TikTok to tell the world she was lying!
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The world’s worst witness
Thanks to modern technology, witnesses can appear in the courtroom from almost anywhere on the planet. But this clip proves that’s not always a good thing!
We see this witness getting increasingly frustrated with repetitive questions. And he is being questioned while driving, leading to the surreal sight of him actively driving around while on a video call, occasionally with smoke emitting from his nostrils. Basically, if you look up “distracted driver” in the dictionary, you’ll probably see a picture of this dude.
Arriving in style
Between playing colorful characters like Jack Sparrow and leading a colorful life that lands him in the headlines, Depp developed a rep as something of a party boy. And even during the trial, he managed to live up to that rep!
Here, we see Heard arrive like a normal person and simply walk inside. Next, we see Depp arrive in a stretch vehicle and only get out when someone opens his door. Let the court know: Hollywood royalty has arrived!
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Getting emotional over Jack Sparrow
Speaking of Jack Sparrow, Depp takes that character very seriously. If you have any doubts, just check out this clip!
Here, we see Depp get emotional over the idea of not playing Sparrow again due to allegations against him made by Heard. Above all else, we see that Depp took this loss very personally rather than simply seeing it as a moneymaking opportunity being taken away from him.
The recording heard round the world
Much of the trial has involved hearsay (more on that in a minute). This isn’t surprising: so much of this trial has proven to be an extended version of he said/she said.
However, there are occasionally some damning video clips. Here, we have a clip of Heard yelling at Depp that he should take her alleged abuse of him to court and see if a judge or jury would ever side with him. Not only does this prove Heard basically dared Depp to take her to trial, but it seems like she knows she did something wrong and is counting on the court to take her side because of outdated gender politics.
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Depp sick of hearing “hearsay”
How often can someone hear the term “hearsay?” It looks like Johnny Depp is currently finding out!
Whenever Depp mentions things he heard via conversations with others, Heard’s lawyer objects with “hearsay.” The lawyer is just doing his job, but this clip shows how insanely amusing it is to hear that legal term over and over again. By the end, it’s tough not to laugh along with Depp!
Working the crowd
Depp never really had a career as a standup comedian. But as this clip shows, he probably should have: he knows how to work the crowd like few others!
As he receives various loaded questions from Heard’s lawyer, Depp can’t help but throw in quips and joking responses. For example, the lawyer questions Depp about excessive drinking, and Depp gives a response worthy of Jack Sparrow: “isn’t happy hour anytime?” You can audibly hear the entire courtroom laughing at his quick wit!
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Depp the Artist
The world first met Johnny Depp when he starred in the original Nightmare On Elm Street. In that movie, the very young Depp gave a convincing performance as a high school student. And certain moments during the trial have revealed that he still has the energy of a high schooler who appreciates passing the occasional note.
For example, this clip shows Depp passing a note to his lawyer and the lawyer accepting it and nodding. From one camera angle, this looks like any other day in court. Another camera, though, revealed that Depp was spending time during the most important trial of his life doodling pictures. If you’ve ever absentmindedly drawn little doodles while something important was going on, it’s hard not to sympathize with Depp!