Here’s a pretty intimate question: are you as addicted to social media as we are? It’s hard not to use social media platforms like Instagram as a kind of voyeurism…a safe way to peak into the lives of people. The more famous or beautiful they...

Here’s a pretty intimate question: are you as addicted to social media as we are? It’s hard not to use social media platforms like Instagram as a kind of voyeurism…a safe way to peak into the lives of people. The more famous or beautiful they...
Donald Trump is one of the most famous people on the planet. Accordingly, his children are all celebrities in their own right, with figures such as Ivanka Trump and Barron Trump becoming household names. However, there’s one part of Donald’s family that you likely don’t...
Donald Trump has always had a very special relationship with his daughter Ivanka. Donald has never made it a secret that she is his favorite child. And he most certainly proved that when he gave Ivanka an official White House position as his advisor, making...
Be honest: have you been getting a weird sense of deja vu this year? After all, Donald Trump is running for president for a third time, and that means that almost all of his family has been making headlines once more. This even includes Ivanka...
If you were writing down a list of 100 people to feel sorry for, chances are high that Ivanka Trump wouldn’t make the list. After all, she is someone who was born into a life of extreme wealth and privilege. She has never had to...
From the outside looking in, you might think that Ivanka would be the Donald Trump child most sympathetic to his various legal woes. After all, her father has never disguised that she is his favorite child in numerous interviews. Beyond that, she’s the only one...
While Donald Trump’s motivations have often been mysterious, there is no mystery about how much importance he places on the topic of height. Trump has enjoyed being a tall man for his entire life, and he seems proud of how tall Barron has become (though...
One of the odder things about Donald Trump’s presidency is how much he insisted on his family being involved with his administration. While children like Eric Trump and Donald Trump, Jr. were mostly handling Trump’s other business affairs, his daughter Ivanka Trump became an official...
In retrospect, one of the weirder things about Donald Trump’s presidency was just how much it prominently featured Ivanka Trump. Instead of just bringing his daughter to work one day, Donald made her an employee and gave her the lofty title of “Advisor to the...
While he’s not on the level of his famous father-in-law Donald Trump, Jared Kushner remains a very controversial figure. During Trump’s time in the White House, Kushner acted as a Senior Advisor to the president along with his wife, Trump’s daughter Ivanka. Regardless of how...