Times Donald Trump Shamelessly Chose Ivanka Over His Other Kids

Most parents who have multiple children will tell you that it’s difficult to pick a favorite. After all, children have different qualities that allow each one to be a rockstar in their own unique ways. By loving each child equally, a parent gets to experience what each kiddo brings to the table.

Now, nobody knows Donald Trump’s heart except himself, so we can’t say that he doesn’t love his children equally. However, we do know that he has shamelessly picked a favorite long ago: Ivanka Trump. Accordingly, Trump seems to have chosen her over his other children over and over again.

Don’t believe us? Well, we’ve got the receipts. Keep reading to discover the times that Donald Trump shamelessly chose Ivanka over his other kids!

Claiming that Ivanka was most likely to become president

Ivanka Trump is the only one of Donald Trump’s children to get her own White House gig (more on this later). However, he seems to think she might eventually end up back in the White House with the biggest job of all: president. In an interview with The Atlantic, the former president called Ivanka “unique” and went on to say “If she ever wanted to run for president, I think she’d be very, very hard to beat.” 

By itself, this just sounds like a typical Donald Trump compliment. However, he didn’t have nearly as much praise for the other children. “Barron is young, but he’s got wonderful potential. And Tiffany’s doing extremely well. Don is, uh, he’s enjoying politics,” he said. “And Eric is running the business along with Don and also very much into politics.”

In other words, Ivanka is the future president and the other kids are…well…something something politics. Sounds like Donald has a clear favorite for a future political career!

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Wanting to hand the Apprentice reigns to Ivanka, not Donald Trump Jr.

It’s clear that Donald Trump wants Ivanka to eventually get his old job as President of the United States. Before his political ambitions kicked into high gear, though, Donald Trump was most famous for hosting the hit reality TV show The Apprentice. As it turns out, that’s another job where he wanted Ivanka to follow in his footsteps!

In a recent interview with Variety, Trump revealed that he told NBC “The best person to hire would be Ivanka Trump.” He said that “NBC didn’t like it, because it became like a family thing.,” but he was convinced that “nobody you’re going to hire…will come even close to Ivanka.” He was subsequently surprised when the network chose Arnold Schwarzenegger instead of Ivanka despite her having extensive experience as a boardroom member on the show.

Notably, Donald Trump, Jr. was also a boardroom member. He was theoretically equally qualified to take the reigns, but his famous father remained confident that Ivanka was the best choice.

Choosing Ivanka over Tiffany

While Donald Trump has three sons, he only has two daughters. Because of that, you might think that he’d have a relatively hard time choosing one over the other. However, the former president has chosen Ivanka over Tiffany at seemingly every possible opportunity. For example, there was the time that he implied that Tiffany didn’t really do much by telling a crowd “Speaking of a job well done, we have two of my daughters here today: Ivanka, who is working hard on infrastructure! Ivanka…and Tiffany!”

If that’s not bad enough, he once explicitly ranked Tiffany below Ivanka and the other kids. According to Mashable, he once said, “I’m very proud ’cause Don and Eric and Ivanka and, you know, to a lesser extent ’cause she just got out of school, out of college, but, uh, Tiffany, who’s also been so terrific.” Once again, there’s a hierarchy here where Donald is proud of Ivanka and most of the other kids but keeps Tiffany separate from this praise.

Speaking of keeping Tiffany separate, all of this pales to the time that he outright told New York Magazine that he had a closer relationship with Ivanka. “You know I have another daughter, with Marla, named Tiffany? She’s just a beautiful, great kid also. But it’s very separate. When you have separate wives, it’s sort of…separate.” We’ll have to take your word for that, Don!

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Ivanka was the only kid who got a White House gig

If you need any further proof that Donald Trump favors Ivanka over his other kids, all you have to do is look at her resume. Out of Trump’s biological children, Ivanka is the only one who was offered an official job in the White House. Ivanka and her husband became presidential advisers, and while the experience was occasionally traumatizing for Ivanka and her Jared Kushner, it also made them both that much wealthier.

The dark irony of all this favoritism is that Donald and Ivanka Trump seem more distant now than ever before. From the outside looking in, it seems like Donald may have damaged his relationship with his other kids just to show favoritism to someone who has completely gotten over it. No matter who you voted for, that’s just sad!