The Wildest Barron Trump Rumors Completely Debunked

Barron Trump is the rarest kind of celebrity: somebody who is a household name but nonetheless hates being in the public eye. Of course, now that his dad is running for president yet again, Barron is making more headlines than ever before.

With Barron, everyone knows his name, but hardly anybody knows who he really is. That has led to some absolutely wild rumors and speculation about the young man. Don’t worry about getting fooled, though…we’ve rounded up the craziest rumors and debunked them, making it easier for you to understand the youngest Trump child.

Barron Trump is not the secret son of Princess Diana

It’s honestly hard to pick the craziest rumor about Barron Trump. If we had to choose one, though, we’d go with the one that claims he is secretly the son of Princess Diana. An old Instagram post went viral for its outlandish assertion that Diana never really died and that she lived to eventually give birth to Barron Trump. Since then, more and more people have started thinking this was true.

Take it from us, though: there is no way humanly possible for this rumor to be true. In addition to all the hard evidence we have that Diana is definitively dead, there is no reason to believe she would ever hook up with Donald Trump, much less become the mother of his child. And even if she did that, there is no reason to believe that she’d give the child to Melania to raise as her own.

This rumor made no sense from the beginning and honestly makes even less sense the more you think about it.

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He has a solid relationship with his siblings

It’s no secret that Melania is Donald Trump’s third wife. Barron is Melania’s only child, but Donald has several older children by his other wives. That led to a huge age gap between the Trump siblings, and there have been persistent rumors that Barron doesn’t have much of a relationship with his siblings because of that gap.

However, judging from various social media posts, Barron seems to get along quite well with his older siblings. On his 14th birthday, Tiffany Trump took to Instagram to write “You mean so much to me, Barron, I wish you all the happiness in the world! Love you!” And Ivanka once posted on Twitter to call Barron “the baby whisperer” along with a picture of Barron playing peekaboo with her son, Theodore.

In short, these aren’t exactly the sentiments of older siblings who barely care about Barron!

The youngest Trump is not a super-genius

Donald Trump has always inspired intense loyalty from his followers, and many have transferred their affection for the former president to his son. That has led to some wild rumors about Barron’s intelligence, like when someone took to Twitter to make a string of crazy claims. “Barron Trump is the smartest Trump child, he has an IQ of +170. He mastered speaking Slovenian, French, Italian, and German. He is also a legendary chess [master] extraordinaire.”

Now, we’re sure that Barron is a smart kid, but all of this is fabricated. There is no record of him having extraordinary chess skills, nor any record of having a genius-level IQ. If such a record exists, Donald Trump would endlessly brag about it, so in this case, his silence speaks volumes. Finally, while Barron speaks both English and his mother’s native Slovenian, there is no indication that he speaks French, Italian, or German.

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No, Barron Trump is not autistic

Some rumors about Barron Trump are spread by people who genuinely have good intentions. For example, a YouTube video once created the popular idea that Barron Trump was autistic due to how awkward he acted in public. Rosie O’Donnell believed the video was accurate and took to Twitter in a now-deleted post that the Trump family had “an AMAZING opportunity” to raise public awareness about autism.

It was a well-intentioned post, but as TMZ reports, Melania Trump was having none of it. She sent a cease-and-desist letter to the video’s creators and flatly denied Barron was autistic. Melania also accused O’Donnell of encouraging others to bully her son over a nonexistent condition.

Sadly, Barron isn’t a time traveler

Okay, we saved the weirdest rumor about Barron Trump for last. A strange post on Reddit once claimed that there were effectively two Barrons. One was the young kid we all watched grow up before our eyes…the other was Steve Bannon, the disgraced White House advisor that the Redditor claims is a time-traveling Barron back from the future.

The theory is weirdly involved and claims that MIT professor John Trump used some old blueprints from Nikolai Tesla to build a functional time machine. Once he saw how bad the future was, the now-older Barron traveled to the past to help his father win the presidency and avert this awful future. 

Now, there are plenty of reasons why this theory is obviously false. But we’ll just say that if Steve Bannon was an all-knowing time traveler, Donald Trump probably would have won the 2020 election, and Bannon himself wouldn’t have gotten thrown into prison for contempt of Congress.

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