Melania Trump is something of a contradiction when you really think about it. As Donald Trump’s wife, she once became the First Lady of the United States. That meant she was constantly appearing on camera and the subject of countless headlines. But years after she and her husband exited the White House, it still feels like we don’t know much about her.
In fact, we often don’t even know what Melania is thinking or feeling because everything is hidden by her face. In recent years, she has been known for having a regally serious face, and when she does smile, it seems very calculated and rehearsed well ahead of time.
Recently, though, Melania Trump revealed a genuine smile, and it might all be part of a long-term plan to get back in the White House. What’s got Melania grinning and what does it have to do with her husband’s campaign? Keep reading to find out!
The typical Melania smile is distant and cold

Before we go any further, here’s a little homework assignment: go search for Melania Trump’s smile on Google. You will instantly reach two conclusions: one, she smiles a lot more than you might think. And two, her smile is exactly the same each and every time.
Because of that, many believe that Melania Trump is always giving us a fake smile, one calculated to win over the cameras and nothing more. It doesn’t help that we sometimes see her going from that same smile to something more like a scowl. All of that makes her look more like a faker, but we finally saw a real smile recently, and the only thing more surprising than the sight was where the grin was hiding.
RELATED: The Darkest Secrets Melania Trump Has Tried To Keep Hidden
A real smile hidden inside an advertisement

If you don’t already know, Melania Trump has a memoir coming out on October 8. Always a good marketer (maybe she picked that skill up from Donald Trump?), Melania has been releasing videos advertising the memoir and what readers will find inside. In one of those videos, you can briefly see a picture of her holding Barron Trump when he was about one year old.
It’s a beautiful picture, really. But it also reveals Melania’s genuine smile, something we had never really seen before. And, love or hate her politics, we can’t help but wonder if the modern Melania will ever sport such an authentic grin again.
What is Melania Trump’s memoir going to focus on?

Obviously, Melania Trump’s memoir will be about her life, but both she and her social media team have been remarkably cagey about the contents of the book. For example, the earliest advertisement described how the book would be about her “journey” but offered little details of what that meant.
Later, she took to Instagram to clarify some things about her book, Melania. She claims that part of the book’s focus will be “The challenges and rewards of motherhood, from sleepless nights to joyful milestones, bring an immense fulfillment that only a mother can understand.” It sounds interesting, of course, but we can’t help but wonder if a book about motherhood will be a bit hit with readers who were hoping she’d spill some dirty details about Donald Trump.
That’s not likely to be in the book for several reasons. The biggest reason, though, is that the book itself seems like a covert way of helping her husband on the 2024 presidential campaign trail.
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Helping Donald Trump out in a brand new way

Throughout the last year, Melania Trump has been notably absent from her husband’s presidential campaign. This wouldn’t have been so noticeable if she wasn’t a fixture of his earlier campaigns in 2016 and 2020. Now, her absence has caused many to speculate that she is sick of the controversy and attendant media circus that comes with trying to get her husband back into the White House.
She may be secretly helping her husband out, though, with the timing of her memoir. Melania comes out on October 8, less than a month before voters will decide the next president of the United States. The book is likely to cast Donald Trump in a very sympathetic light based on earlier advertisements describing how opponents tried to “silence” him.
Will this work to give Donald Trump an edge during the election? Only time will tell.
Is Melania virtue signalling for Republicans?

We don’t yet know what Melania will cover, but it sounds like a safe bet that the memoir will make Donald Trump look good. On top of that, many have noticed how the marketing of the book seems designed to help Melania herself virtue signal to her Republican allies.
For example, she seems to be feeding into a common talking point among conservatives that her husband was nearly assassinated because his views were too threatening to political opponents. She is also emphasizing what a doting mother she is at a time when Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance is sneering at “childless cat ladies.” All of this means that Melania might be doing more than helping her husband look good…she’s also helping out the powerful politicians who can do favors for her beleaguered family regardless of the election outcome.
RELATED: The Dark Rumors of Why Melania Trump Skips Public Appearances With Donald Trump