Melania Trump has been in a weirdly precarious position since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016. On one hand, the election increased her personal fame and helped to make her a genuine part of American history. On the other hand, all of the increased media scrutiny means that the public is discovering more and more about Melania’s past that she would like to keep hidden.
Some of these things will do more than just change how you view Melania Trump: some of them, in fact, may make you worried about what she will do if she ever makes it back into the White House as FLOTUS. Just what are the darkest secrets Melania Trump has been trying to keep hidden? Keep reading to find out!
Was Melania Trump once an escort?

One of Donald Trump’s biggest scandals came in the wake of allegations that he had paid porn star Stormy Daniels for sex. It’s easy to imagine those allegations caused quite a bit of strife between Donald and Melania Trump, but most people don’t realize what a personal subject this is for Melania.
When Donald Trump was on the campaign trail in 2016, CBS News reported that a Slovenian magazine told the world that Melania once worked for a fashion agency known to offer very high-end escort services. After Melania sued the magazine, the publishers offered an apology and the two parties settled out of court.
She similarly sued the Daily Mail after the publication also reported that she once offered escort services. Once again, the parties settled out of court, and it seems Melania couldn’t wait to bury these explosive allegations against her!
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Melania Trump’s culpability in the January 6 attack on the Capitol

Donald Trump is still dealing with the fallout related to his alleged role in the January 6, 2020 attack on the nation’s Capitol. Understandably, Melania has tried to distance herself from this fallout from the beginning. And as ABC News reports, she wrote a little over one year after the attacks that she felt she had been the victim of “salacious gossip, unwarranted personal attacks, and false misleading accusations on me.”
In other words, Melania was annoyed that people felt she did nothing–or at least, didn’t do enough–during the attacks. Unfortunately, her former aid Stephanie Grisham threw her under the bus by tweeting a screenshot where she allegedly asked the former FLOTUS “do you want to tweet that peaceful protests are the right of every American, but there is no place for lawlessness & violence?”
Melania apparently responded with a blunt “no,” which would indicate at least some culpability in the violence of that day.
Ongoing beef with Ivanka Trump

The general narrative regarding Donald Trump and his family is that everyone sticks together and supports one another. Certainly, when the cameras are rolling, everyone seems like a big, happy family. Behind closed doors, however, it seems like Melania Trump has a major ongoing beef with her daughter-in-law Ivanka Trump.
As the BBC reports, Melania Trump’s former friend and associate Stephanie Winston Wolkoff went on to write a tell-all memoir, Melania and Me: The Rise and Fall of My Friendship with the First Lady. In that book, Wolkoff claims that Melania Trump sarcastically referred to Ivanka Trump as “princess” and often referred to her and her husband Jared Kushner as “snakes.”
To hear Wolkoff tell the story, Ivanka didn’t feel very warm and fuzzy about Melania, either: the former aide told The New Abnormal podcast that Ivanka stole so many staffers Melania had her eye on that she and the former FLOTUS referred to Ivanka as a “serial poacher.”
RELATED: Stephanie Winston Wolkoff DESTROYS Melania Trump With Latest Accusation
She helped spread those birther accusations against Barack Obama

Long before Donald Trump began campaigning for president ahead of the 2016 election, he had no love for Barack Obama. During Obama’s first term as president, Trump was one of the loudest voices circulating the “birther” accusation that Obama was not actually born in the United States and therefore not legally eligible to serve as president.
While Donald Trump was the loudest voice amplifying that bizarre accusation, Melania Trump played her part. As The Washington Post reports, she went on The Joy Behar Show to spread those rumors in 2011. “It’s not only Donald who wants to see it,” she said. “It’s American people who voted for him and who didn’t vote for him. They want to see that.”
The entire thing took on a surreal appearance when the titular host reminded Melania that Obama had already released his short-form birth certificate, leaving Melania to blandly claim “We feel it’s different.”
Lying under oath

What’s more embarrassing than lying under oath? Lying under oath about something small and petty, of course!
As PolitiFact reports, Melania Trump once claimed under oath that she had earned an architecture degree from a university in Slovenia. She eventually took down her alleged education credentials from her skincare website after visitors began questioning whether she had ever even earned a degree. The truth is that Melania dropped out of that university in her freshman year and never returned, but that hasn’t kept her from lying about her education, including claiming that degree in the lead-up to the 2016 Republican National Convention.
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