The Strangest Kamala Harris Moments Ever Caught on Camera

When you think about it, Vice President Kamala Harris is one of the oddest politicians in recent national memory. Since she’s a mere heartbeat away from the presidency, you might expect her to be a constant present alongside Joe Biden. Instead, she seems downright reclusive compared to her former rival turned current colleague.

There may be a reason for that: when you put Kamala Harris in front of a camera, it’s going to get weird in record time. Don’t believe it? Keep reading to discover the strangest Kamala Harris moments ever caught on camera!

That time she brutally went after Joe Biden

Some of the craziest moments involving Kamala Harris don’t come from her time serving as vice president. Instead, they come from when she was still a presidential hopeful. Back then, she and Joe Biden were political rivals, and we’ll never forget the time things got really, really ugly between them.

When they were on the debate stage together in 2019, Harris completely unloaded on Joe Biden regarding his problematic history of working alongside segregationist senators. The moment took Biden by surprise and, depending on your perspective, might have been quite righteous. But considering that Harris now works closely with Biden each day, it’s super awkward to look back on how she really feels about him.

RELATED: Photos Of Kamala Harris She Never Wanted Us To See

Next-level trolling of Mike Pence?

After Kamala was tapped as Joe Biden’s running mate, she ended up debating Mike Pence in October 2020 for a vice presidential debate. And that debate itself was strange enough, both because Harris had to firmly stop her opponent from interrupting her and because of a surreal moment where a fly landed squarely on Pence’s face.

Later, Harris was interviewed by MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, who couldn’t help but ask about the incident with the fly. To this, Harris responded first with a nod of her head and then added “I think that it’s important that we kind of find a way, all of us, to move on … and kind of fly away from this subject onto something else.” To this day, we’re a bit convinced she was trolling Pence here, claiming she wanted to move to a different topic while using the “fly away” verbiage that brings to mind Pence’s unexpected friendship with a fly.

Dodging the press in Wisconsin

Is it possible that Kamala Harris knows she doesn’t come off very well when the cameras aren’t running? Normally, we’d say “no,” but there is a certain incident in Wisconsin that makes us think otherwise.

Harris was attending a campaign event in the state, and after having lived there before, she had previously commented on how important Wisconsin was to her. Accordingly, the press tried to get some quotes from her, but she avoided them nearly altogether, merely taking the time to say that the state was “part of her story.” And she only said that after practically running away from the microphone proffered by Lieutenant Governor Mandela, forcing everyone to wonder why she seemed so scared of speaking to the press.

RELATED: Kamala Harris Just Put Her Foot In Her Mouth In A Big Way

Weird laughter to get out the vote

Normally, politicians get a lot of mileage out of seeming relatable to the average person. In the case of Kamala Harris, perhaps her most relatable trait is that she often resorts to nervous laughter. However, this has still made her look a bit crazy on more than one occasion.

One such instance occurred when Harris appeared at a virtual town hall event in North Carolina. After she reminded listeners that the election ended in 19 days. This prompted a question about what she said from an unknown listener, and something about all of this tickled her funny bone so much that she started laughing at the awkward questions and comments. The laughter itself was weird and off-putting, and it was also a bit weird how thoroughly she seemed to dismiss questions from a prospective voter. 

More uncomfortable laughter when labeled a socialist

CRACKING UP Kamala Harris busts out laughing when asked if she has a socialist perspective on 60 Minutes ,

While some of these crazier Kamala Harris moments came from small events around the country, others occurred when the entire country was watching. One such instance of this was when Harris was interviewed by Norah O’Donnell on 60 Minutes. Harris appears stiff and awkward throughout most of it, but things get stranger when the host asks Harris whether she would bring more of a “socialist or progressive perspective” to the White House.

At this, Harris blurted “no” and began to nervously laugh. She continued the strange laughter as she tried to list the qualities she would bring to the office…which included everything from her mother’s Indian origin to her own love of hip-hop. To this day, one of the weirdest interviews in history.

RELATED: The Political Rise And Fall Of Kamala Harris

Calling Donald Trump small

Kamala Harris pioneered some new and exciting ways to be weird during the Democratic debate. For example, she tried to compare Donald Trump to the man behind the curtain in the classic film The Wizard of Oz. She was most likely trying to say that Trump is not quite what he appears to be, but the way she expressed this was to call Trump “a really small dude.”

Immediately, audiences started giggling at the bonkers comment. Moderator George Stephanopoulos, famously short himself, also laughed and said that he wouldn’t take the bait, leaving a reeling Harris to clarify she wasn’t talking about him. Meanwhile, other participants kept their comments on-topic and free of strange comparisons, and this effectively left Harris’ own comment looking that much weirder.

And, needless to say, the comment is a strange one even to Trump’s staunchest critics. Considering that the president is 6”3 and claimed in 2016 to be 238 pounds. Whether or not you think he is even heavier than that and was telling a white lie all those years ago, the simple truth is that “really small dude” is not a label that would apply to Donald Trump in any context!