The Secret Service is an organization that is both fascinating and mysterious. That is, everyone knows their basic function: namely, to protect the President of the United States from harm. However, the President’s family also gets protection from these agents, and most people don’t know exactly how long that protection lasts.
For example, look at the case of Malia Obama. Her famous father Barack was president for two terms and now enjoys a major privilege of all former presidents: a lifetime of Secret Service protection. Those benefits also extend to Michelle, so even if her husband were to die before her, she would spend the rest of her life receiving this powerful protection.
But what about Malia Obama? Just how far do these protections go, and is she still receiving them now that she is leading her own exciting and successful life? Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about the Secret Service and Malia Obama!
When protection feels like oppression

On paper, the idea of having Secret Service protection sounds pretty cool. Many of us are paranoid and often worried about what might happen to us at any given point in any given day. Therefore, having a trained team of professionals dedicated only to our personal safety sounds really great…on paper, at least. But as Malia Obama discovered while growing up in the White House, this level of personal protection can often be a double-edged sword.
That’s because she couldn’t go anywhere or do much of anything without agents present. This included activities like going to prom or even going to school. The Secret Service detail was necessary because Malia was at constant risk with her father in the White House. Over time, though, all of this protection began feeling more than a little like oppression.
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How long does Secret Service protection actually last?

If you’re reading this, it’s because you want to know whether the Secret Service is still officially protecting Malia Obama. And the short answer to that question is “no.” In order to understand why she no longer enjoys this government protection, though, you need to know a bit more about how this agency works.
The Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012 is the chief bit of federal law that determines what the Secret Service does and doesn’t do. This act stipulates that former presidents and their spouses will receive a lifetime of agency protection, meaning that Barack and Michelle Obama are set for life. However, the same act stipulates that children of former presidents only receive this protection until they are 16.
Malia Obama was already 19 by the time her dad left the White House. Therefore, she lost Secret Service protection as soon as her dad was out of office, as she was three years outside the window for the child of a former president to receive protection.
Getting used to her newfound freedom

While we don’t know exactly how Malia Obama felt about losing Secret Service protection, it seems like it would have been a mixed bag for her. On the one hand, it can be kind of scary to lose the thorough government protection you have enjoyed since you were very young. And Malia may have even been more afraid because she has a very recognizable name and face and may constantly be in danger because of those who hate her father.
On the other hand, having a bunch of armed, gruff men follow you wherever you go can really cramp the style of a young girl like Malia Obama. Therefore, losing her protection also meant losing her oppression, and she was now free to enjoy life on her own terms, including attending college classes without having to worry about agents constantly following her around. And after graduating from Harvard, she wasted no time creating a life and career that would forever distinguish her from her famous parents.
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Malia’s new life (and new name)

Given that her father is a famous two-term president, many wondered if Malia Obama was going to follow in his footsteps and pursue a career in politics. Instead, she shocked the entire world by pursuing something completely different: a career in Hollywood. This began when she interned for the hit HBO show Girls, and she ended up working with acting and musical legend Donald Glover on his provocative show Swarm.
Needless to say, Malia Obama has taken great strides to create a name for herself rather than just sliding through life with her famous family name. In fact, she ditched that name altogether, opting instead to go by Malia Ann for her professional work. That way, her accomplishments are her own and not permanently attached to the Obama name.
Other than that, Malia has been enjoying living in Los Angeles with her younger sister, Sasha. They may no longer have Secret Service protection, but they have each other. And that may be all these talented women need to leave a mark on the world that none of us will ever forget.