The Saddest Things About Ivanka Trump’s Life

If you were writing down a list of 100 people to feel sorry for, chances are high that Ivanka Trump wouldn’t make the list. After all, she is someone who was born into a life of extreme wealth and privilege. She has never had to work if she didn’t want to, and since most of us can’t say that, it’s tough to muster much sympathy for this poor little rich girl.

However, the more you learn about Ivanka Trump, the more you realize just how hard she’s really had it growing up. Behind her famous name and often vapid smile, Ivanka hides a deep pain that has been caused by some very sad events.

Don’t believe that Ivanka has some real trauma? Keep reading to discover the saddest things about Ivanka Trump’s life!

Her political career was dead on arrival

There are many reasons to believe that Ivanka is Donald Trump’s favorite kid…in addition to all his creepy comments about how sexy she is (such incestuous commentary is pretty traumatizing in and of itself), dear old dad chose her as the only kiddo to serve with him in the White House. Unfortunately, Ivanka’s newfound political career was dead on arrival.

In 2017, she attended the Women20 summit, and she told a crowd that Donald Trump has “been a tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive,” resulting in a chorus of boos from an angry and unbelieving crowd. In fact, she faced constant pushback thanks to the various statements and policies of Trump that seem disrespectful to women. Speaking of disrespect, Ivanka was widely laughed at after a video surfaced in 2019 of her trying to speak with several world leaders who seemed focused on ignoring her.

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Betrayed by former friends

The failure of Ivanka’s political career wouldn’t be so painful if it didn’t affect the rest of her life. For example, she was once a good friend with Chelsea Clinton despite the political differences between their two families. But Chelsea ditched her former friend, later explaining why on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen. “I have no interest in being friends with someone who is not only complicit but actively taking part in this administration’s everyday collision of cruelty and incompetence,”

She’s also been rejected by other former friends, including her old school chum Lysandra Ohrstrom and model Karlie Kloss, who is notably Jared Kushner’s sister-in-law. Collectively, this paints a grim picture that for all her wealth and fame, the one thing Ivanka can’t buy is real friendship.

Dealing with her parents’ very public divorce

While the media has gone after Ivanka very hard once she began working in Donald Trump’s White House, the blunt truth is that she should have known this was coming. After all, Ivanka learned how cruel the media could be from a very young age. That’s because when her parents were involved in a very messy divorce, the media was there to make the entire matter that much worse.

Back then, the fact that Donald Trump was having an affair with Marla Maples while still married to Ivana was very well known. Later, Ivanka confided to Marie Claire that a reporter had asked her about Maples’ previous statement that hooking up with Donald Trump was the “best sex I ever had.” Ivanka was only nine years old at the time and later described this as “a terribly unpleasant experience. It gave me a glimpse into how ugly the world can be.”

Sure, Ivanka herself has done some shady and scornworthy things. But none of this justifies having to deal with weird questions about her parents’ divorce and her dad’s sex life when she was still in elementary school.

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The failure of her boycotted business

Aside from (yuck!) Donald Trump finding Ivanka so attractive, another reason she is his favorite is that she tried to follow in his footsteps. Donald built his reputation as a successful businessman before pivoting to reality TV and then politics. As for Ivanka, she tried to launch her own brand, one that looked like it might really put her on the map.

However, after Donald Trump won the 2016 election, Ivanka’s business was boycotted by countless consumers. Pretty soon, her products were being dropped left and right by major retailers such as Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus. Eventually, she shuttered the business in 2018, making it the latest victim of her dad’s political ambitions.

Getting dumped by her future husband

While Donald Trump has caused Ivanka plenty of stress, plenty of opportunities, and plenty of friends, her husband Jared Kushner is often seen as her anchor. However, these two came very close to never getting married in the first place. And that comes down to them having different religions (Kushner’s family is Jewish and Ivanka’s is not).

Things got so dire that Jared actually broke up with her. Eventually, they got back together, and Ivanka even converted to Judaism. However, that early break-up and recent reports that Donald’s antics are driving a wedge between the couple are proof that Ivanka may never be able to fully rely on the men in her life.

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