When it comes to the Trump family, it’s an open secret that Donald Trump is a major drama magnet. And both before and after his time as president, there were countless strange Trump moments immortalized on camera for the entire world to see.
In fact, Donald is such a source of endless drama that it’s easy to overlook Melania Trump’s shenanigans. But make no mistake: she has had her own share of absolutely bonkers moments, and most of them, like Donald’s, were caught on camera.
Don’t believe it? Keep reading to discover the wildest Melania Trump moments ever caught on camera!
That time she stole Michelle Obama’s speech

Some of Melania Trump’s craziest moments were ones that we couldn’t really appreciate until after the moment passed. For example, there was that time when she gave a speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention, and audiences were pleasantly surprised at just how moving and well-crafted her words ended up being.
It turns out there was a reason for that: almost word-for-word, Melania had copied a 2008 speech given by Michelle Obama. Eventually, the Trump Organization blamed a staff writer for the mixup. But the internet just couldn’t forgive Melania Trump for copying Michelle Obama’s homework and trying to pass it off as her own.
RELATED: The Amazing Transformation Of Melania Trump
The world’s weirdest handshake

Most of Melania Trump’s wildest moments involve (to nobody’s surprise) her famous husband. And this includes the time in 2017 when Melania introduced Donald Trump at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland. He walked onto the stage, and at this point, everyone was expecting him to hug her or kiss her (even if it was just a light peck on the cheek).
However, Donald Trump puzzled us all when he offered her a firm handshake instead. That would have been weird enough (treating his wife like a business partner and all), but he then openly rushed her off the stage. Needless to say, it was an insane moment that we’re still talking about all these years later.
Pulling her hand away from her husband

Believe it or not, this entire article could have been nothing but strange moments involving Donald and Melania Trump trying and failing to hold hands with each other like normal human beings. We decided to go with just one moment, though, and it’s one that many would agree is the worst.
On inauguration day, Donald and Melania Trump were getting off the plane. Afterward, he decided to reach for his wife’s hand and hold it. We’ll never know whether he wanted emotional support or just wanted an easy photo op, but we certainly know that he got neither. Instead, Melania promptly grabbed his hand and dropped it away from her in a clear act of rejection. It wasn’t just awkward: this single moment prompted endless speculation online that Melania felt trapped in her marriage to Donald Trump.
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The rigid inauguration dance

Honestly, that inauguration day was filled with one crazy Melania moment after another. And one of the ones that the world just couldn’t look away from was the dance between Donald and Melania Trump at the inaugural ball.
Obviously, some presidents are lighter on their feet than others. But it wasn’t Donald’s dance skills (or lack thereof) that set tongues wagging. Instead, that honor goes to Melania Trump, who regularly combined a very awkward posture with unexpected moves like pulling her face away from her husband’s. Donald might have married her to have a trophy wife on his arms, but that night, it really did look like he was dancing with a mannequin.
That icy inauguration smile

Okay, we promise, this is the last zany Melania moment from the inauguration, and it’s a pretty good one. And it involved a brief moment with this former supermodel that occurred while Donald Trump was being sworn in.
The entire world captured the moment when Melania flashed her husband a brief smile and then dropped it the moment he looked away. Seriously, we’ve heard of people wearing a smile like a mask, but it’s never been quite as literal as it was on this day with Melania Trump!
RELATED: Photos Of Melania In Slovenia She Never Wanted Us To See
When Donald Trump left his wife in the rain

Like most of us, Donald Trump is a creature of habit. Every now and then, though, his habits end up seriously embarrassing his wife. And maybe the greatest example of this happened in 2018 when Donald and Melania Trump exited the White House on a rainy day.
Initially, both of them were protected from the elements by Donald Trump’s large umbrella. But the former president had a tendency to speak to reporters outside the White House when he saw them, and this day was no exception. However, in his rush to speak to the press, Donald left Melania Trump exposed to the rain. And in a strange inversion of that inauguration day hand-holding incident, she ended up coming to him and trying to hold his hand, only to discover that her husband was more interested in clutching a hat with “USA” written on it instead.
Rolling her eyes at Ivanka?

We could never help but wonder what the relationship between Melania and Ivanka Trump was like. After all, Donald Trump has made a number of inappropriate comments over the years cementing not only that Ivanka is his favorite kid but that he finds her beautiful and would consider having a relationship with her if she wasn’t his daughter.
And at the 2020 Republican National Convention, we might have finally gotten an answer as to how Melania feels about Ivanka Trump. When introducing the younger woman to the stage, it looked like Melania rolled her eyes at her own stepdaughter. The eye roll and what appeared to be a pained expression on Melania’s face seemingly spell out how she really feels about Ivanka Trump more than any words ever could!
RELATED: The Most Embarrassing Trump Family Moments Captured On Camera