More than two weeks after the unexpected death of Ivana Trump and the world is still reeling from her loss. At a time when her ex-husband Donald Trump is under increased scrutiny for his role in the January 6 attack on the nation’s Capitol, the last thing anyone expected was for Ivana to make headlines instead. And the details about her sudden, unexpected death (she died from blunt impact injuries after falling down the stairs of her home) gave the whole incident an air of the macabre.
As more details emerge, Ivana’s final days and even her funeral seem that much more frightening. Perhaps the scariest element of all was her chilling final words on the night before she died.
What did she say, and to whom? And how did Ivana’s funeral make things even stranger? Keep reading to discover the details!
Ivana Trump’s chilling final words to Eric Trump

According to some accounts, Ivana Trump was relatively isolated in the final days leading up to her death. But this didn’t mean she didn’t communicate with those she loved, especially members of her family.
One such family member is Eric Trump. Like Ivana’s other children, he gave a moving eulogy of his late mother at her funeral. According to WWD, Eric said during the funeral that he had spoken to his mother the night before she died. Since her son is the last person we know that Ivana spoke with, that means Eric Trump may have heard the last words she said to anyone else before she died.
Make no mistake: those last words were chilling. According to Eric, Ivana mentioned during their conversation that she was going to live until she was 120 years old. “Only the good die young,” she quipped to her son.
Considering that Ivana was found dead the very next day, her self-prophecy did not come true. Morbidly, though, this may be proof enough that Ivana was “good” enough to die far younger than she expected to.
RELATED: The Untold Truth Of Ivana Trump
Ivana’s funeral threw subtle shade at Hillary Clinton

Since they became political rivals in the lead-up to the 2016 election, there has never been any love lost between Donald Trump and Ivana Trump. And since Ivana continued to support and counsel her ex-husband both during his presidential run and his presidency, that made Hillary Clinton Ivana’s de facto rival as well.
All of this culminated in a strange and unexpected moment during Ivana’s funeral. And it was a moment that many are still dissecting the true meaning of.
As part of Ivana’s funeral, her family had mounted a large display of the 1992 Vanity Fair cover that Ivana Trump appeared on. Since the funeral was designed to be a celebration of Ivana’s life and achievements, nothing seemed out of place about the display. At least, not at first.
Soon, Variety TV critic Daniel D’Addario made an interesting point via Twitter. While the display at first looked like an accurate recreation of the original cover, it left out a headline about Hillary Clinton. The headline came out during Bill Clinton’s own presidential run and read “Hillary Clinton: Will she get to the White House with Bill or Without Him?” Vanity Fair speculated that the funeral display cover was likely a Photoshop but conceded that some actual covers of that issue may have been sent out without the Hillary Clinton headline.
If Hillary Clinton was Photoshopped out, what does that mean? Some think it was an intentional snub to remove any mention of Hillary on Ivana’s funeral day. Others think it was a tasteful decision to avoid potential drama. Either way, it is notable that no other controversial figures on that cover’s headlines were omitted.
But that wasn’t the weirdest or most controversial moment at Ivana’s funeral. That honor goes to the eulogies delivered by the Trump family’s former nanny and Donald Trump Jr. himself!
A strange eulogy for Ivana from the Trump family nanny

Ivana’s funeral had some unexpected figures in attendance, including Dorothy Curry. While that name may not sound familiar, Curry served as the Trump family’s nanny while Ivana’s children were growing up. This put in her a privileged position of knowing much of the behind-the-scenes details (some would say dirt) of the Trump family.
Curry was also one of the people who gave a eulogy for Ivana. And as eulogies went, the whole thing was surprisingly dark and very, very strange.
How strange are we talking? According to The New York Times, much of the eulogy focused on Curry’s friendship with Ivana in her later years. To this end, Curry mentioned how she knew Ivana in both the spring and summer of her life, and she bore witness to the “inevitable winter” and the “roses dying.” Curry said that while Ivana had her own field of dreams, it soon became a “sinking swamp” of unnamed “parasites” who nonetheless helped keep Ivana “afloat” through a series of “illicit dreams and schemes.”
This strange eulogy was as dark and morbid as it was cryptic. And considering Ivanka Trump’s insistence that her mother “hated funerals” and would want everybody in attendance to “have a good time and dance one more song for her,” Curry’s bizarre eulogy seems like the last thing Ivana would have wanted.
RELATED: Inside The Funeral Of Ivana Trump
An even stranger eulogy from Donald Trump Jr.

For the most part, the eulogies delivered by Ivana Trump’s children were very poignant and moving. In true Trump fashion, though, they often contained elements of the absurd. This was most apparent in some of the stories shared by Donald Trump Jr.
According to The New York Times, Don Jr. shared a story of acting up as a small child while visiting a fancy restaurant in the Hamptons. When this happened, he said his mother took him to the bathroom and decided to show him “what Eastern European discipline was really all about.” She followed up this corporal punishment with a harsh warning: “And if you cry, we’re going to come back in here and do this again.”
If that wasn’t over-the-top enough, he told another story about a time when Ivanka Trump broke a pricey chandelier with a beach ball. When Ivanka successfully convinced her mother that Don Jr. was the culprit, Ivana used a “wooden spoon” on him as a “remedy,” with the apparent beating getting worse as he tried to tell her the truth. “Not only had I broken the chandelier, but now I was also lying to her.” When he finally did convince her his sister was the real culprit, their mother was “too tired to deal with Ivanka.”
By all accounts, Don Jr. seemed to think these were funny and charming stories about growing up with a stern-but-loving mother. To many others, though, these were stories of outright child abuse on the part of Ivana on a day meant to honor and respect her memory.