The children of presidents always become celebrities in their own right. And while some children use the platform for good, others just want the spotlight to go away.
When it comes to Barack Obama’s two daughters, we get to see both perspectives. Malia has become an icon in her own right, inspiring equal measures of respect and controversy. Sasha, however, has generally kept a much lower profile than the rest of the family.
That’s why many people don’t know what Sasha’s been doing the past few years, but we’ve got the full breakdown. Here is an inside look at Sasha Obama’s life since leaving the White House.
Graduating high school

One of Sasha’s biggest accomplishments was graduating from high school in June 2019. She attended the prestigious Sidwell Friends School in Washington, DC. In this way, she followed in the footsteps of another famous first kid, Chelsea Clinton.
Incidentally, Sasha’s young age is another reason she has been off the radar compared to her sister. But since graduating high school at the age of 18, she’s learned to make a big splash in her own right.
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Vacation to France

What was the summer like right after you graduated high school? Personally, I spent a fair amount of time kicking around the house and playing video games.
Sasha, meanwhile, celebrated her graduation in style. She and the family took a glamorous trip to the South of France.There, she got to rock some killer fashions and enjoy traveling the world as a young woman with her entire future ahead of her.
What did her future hold, though? First stop: college!
Starting University of Michigan

Another quirk of presidential children comes down to their educational preferences. Some of them prefer to attend Ivy League universities and generally cash in on their famous name. Others prefer a more low-key approach to higher education, and that includes Sasha Obama.
Instead of going to a fancy place like Harvard or Yale, Sasha currently hangs her hat at University of Michigan. There, she is likelier to get more of something that those other institutions couldn’t really offer: a normal life.
Then again, she’s the daughter of one of the most famous people in the world. So, a “normal life” is always going to be relative!
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Bonding with her roommates

The roommate experience at college is always hit or miss. You may end up making lifelong friends. Or you might realize why so many people enjoy living alone.
Given her family’s wealth and power, it’s surprising that Sasha has roommates at all. While she hasn’t make any statements to this effect, this seems part of her ongoing mission to live a more normal life.
In a way, she’s forcing Barack and Michelle to live a more normal life as well. For example, Michelle told Today that their goodbyes to Sasha were a bit more muted because of the roommates.
“We didn’t want to embarrass her because she had roommates and it was at the end, after lunch, when we said that final goodbye,” Michelle said. It’s a cute story, but let’s hope Michelle doesn’t put Sasha on blast on her new podcast!
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Skipping out on Greek life

Greek life is another very divisive topic. It’s a great opportunity to meet new friends and do some important networking. At the same time, fraternities and sororities are very public, meaning they aren’t a great idea for anyone trying to keep a low profile.
This is presumably why Sasha has avoided pledging to any sororities. But she doesn’t need Greek life to build loyalty among her peers. The fact that seemingly none of her classmates are trying to cash in on Sasha news and rumors is a testament to how much the student body cares for her.
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Constant texts from mom

Sasha Obama is moving heaven and earth to live a more normal life. Still, you might ask yourself just how normal things can be when you come from a family that is fabulously rich and famous.
However, there are some ways that Sasha’s life is like that of most teenage girls. For example, she gets a constant stream of texts from her mother, Michelle Obama.
Those texts usually consisted of life advice about eating healthy during her college days, Michelle told Oprah Winfrey at Oprah’s 2020 Vision: Your Life In Focus tour in February 2020.
“I give them so much advice that they are sick of me,” Michelle revealed. So it looks like even Sasha Obama can’t escape the long reach of the helicopter parent!
Ultimately, the biggest thing Sasha Obama has done since leaving the White House is simple: she has successfully kept a low profile.
We really only know what she is up to thanks to what Michelle Obama has said during various interviews. And while Sasha’s fans are hungry for more info, we can’t help but salute her ability to tune the rest of the world out and focus on her own happiness.