William and Kate’s Children Have Suspiciously Disappeared?

What if there was a royal disappearance and it happened right under everyone’s noses? That may sound dramatic, but there is a growing body of circumstantial evidence that this may have happened with the children of Prince William and Kate. Ever since Kate’s recent surgical...

Kate Middleton’s Health Is Starting To Worry Us

Kate Middleton has always been something of a paradox. She was a relatively private person even before she married Prince William, the future King of England. Now, she remains private, but her desire to stay out of the public eye often clashes with the fact...

Biggest Changes Coming for the Royal Family This Year

Arguably, the biggest defining element of the Royal Family is consistency. The family itself is the manifestation of a royal tradition that stretches back for centuries. If you ask the average person on the street of London why it’s important to even have a King,...

The Naughty Runway Moment That Earned Kate Middleton a Crown

Part of the vicarious thrill of watching The Crown is seeing how the show dramatizes the lives of the rich and famous. While it’s interesting to see how the writers and producers handle portrayals of deceased royals like Princess Diana, it’s arguably more fun to...

Prince William’s Most Royally Insane Parenting Choices

Everyone knows that Prince William is destined to be the next King of England. However, in interviews, it’s clear that William doesn’t define himself by the crown he will someday wear. Instead, he defines himself as a father, and he truly wants to be the...