Marjorie Taylor Greene Without Makeup Looks Like a Stranger

It’s probably not very healthy for our society, but the blunt truth is that people are far likelier to listen to politicians who look good. Female politicians face particular scrutiny, which is why most of them embrace a bevy of makeup products intended to transform...

The Most Shocking Outfits Worn By Marjorie Taylor Greene

At this point, even members of her own political party have begun to realize that Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of our most embarrassing politicians. That’s not just because of her increasingly crazy statements as a Congresswoman, though those statements don’t do her any favors....

The Unknown Truth of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Whether you love her or hate her, Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of the most unconventional politicians in history. It wasn’t that long ago that politicians had to appear polite in public and play the game behind closed doors, helping them to win...