It sometimes shocks the average person to discover how much makeup famous people apply on a regular basis. These are folks who have to look good in person and on camera, and it often takes world-class makeup products and professional assistance to get the look just right.
Few people understand this as much as Donald Trump and his famous family. Critics tease Trump for his downright orange hue, but he knows that he has to look good on television and in person at his endless rallies. His look might be a little off-kilter, but it’s consistent…at least, most of the time.
We’ve all had bad days when it comes to hair and makeup. And with makeup in particular, Trump and the rest of his fam have had some downright disastrous days. These makeup fails were caught on camera and served to immortalize some truly embarrassing moments.
What kind of moments are we talking about? Keep reading to discover the Trump family’s ugliest makeup fails!
Donald Trump’s Oompa Loompa look begins fading in court

While Donald Trump himself has never fully explained his orange hue, some of his former housekeepers previously told the Washington Post that he uses a fancy Swiss concealer named Bronx Colors. This is supposed to explain his unnaturally orange complexion, and those same housekeepers said they had instructions to make sure Trump had two and a half containers of the stuff in his bedroom drawer at all times.
Whether or not that’s true, we can’t deny that Trump has been pretty consistent in his Oompa-Loompa look. But the contour seemed to fail him during a hush money trial court appearance in 2024, where clear splotches of pink disrupted the all-orange look he was presumably going for. The internet had a field day mocking Trump’s appearance, and looking at this makeup fail, we can’t blame anyone for cracking jokes.
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Ivanka Trump’s blush blunder

If Donald Trump’s children all got sassy nicknames, it’s a safe bet that Ivanka would be known as “the pretty one.” Her beauty has helped her rise through the ranks over the years, winning over friends and business associates and helping her find Jared Kushner, the love of her life. Certainly, Ivanka is the pretty one in Donald Trump’s eyes given how many out-of-pocket statements he has made about her physical appearance.
On one occasion, though, Ivanka marred her pretty face by putting on way too much blush. She hard participated in the 2003 documentary Born Rich and decided to attend the premiere in style. But she ended up putting on so much blush that she looked permanently embarrassed all night. Given how bad her eyeliner was, maybe everyone thought she was genuinely blushing!
Making a bad night worse was the fact that she seemed to have some chapped lips. Certainly, “the pretty one” wasn’t exactly ugly at this premiere. But thanks to these makeup fails, she fell far short of her usual aesthetic standard.
RELATED: Weird Things About Ivanka Trump We Can’t Ignore Anymore
Melania Trump looks redder than Santa’s coat

Like Ivanka, Melania Trump is someone known for her great beauty. She was a model long before she became First Lady, after all, and she has an army of stylists and makeup artists keeping her looking consistently great. However, it looks like one of those artists may have decided Melania was on the naughty list when getting her ready for a 2019 holiday event.
She was attending the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony and wore a festive red outfit to commemorate the season. Unfortunately, that outfit only made it more obvious that her cheeks were redder than Santa Clause’s famous outfit. Melania’s cheeks were covered with so much blush or bronzer that she looked less like a FLOTUS and more like a corpse whose makeup job was left to the morgue intern.
The final result was a very red Melania standing next to a very orange Donald Trump. Between the two of them, they looked more like Star Trek aliens Captain Kirk would encounter rather than a presidential power couple.