Barron Trump’s Choice of College Is Guaranteed To Surprise You

The media focus on Barron Trump has been growing in intensity and for good reason. He was mostly kept away from the press when Donald Trump was president because he and Melania didn’t want their child to appear in various unflattering headlines. Now, though, Barron is all grown up, and everyone has been wondering what the next chapter of his life looks like.

Specifically, since he graduated high school in Florida, the question has been where Barron will be attending college. His father offered some hints last month, but the recent reveal of where the son will be attending shocked the world. Where is Barron going and what makes this choice so surprising? Keep reading to find out!

Donald Trump offered hints about Barron’s college last month

Even before he became a reality TV star and then politician, Donald Trump had a great sense of showmanship. He knows how to market just about anything, and his family most of all. It shouldn’t be a surprise, then, that Donald initially turned Barron’s college choice into a kind of guessing game that sent the media into a speculative frenzy.

In August, Donald Trump verified that Barron would be attending college in New York. Considering that this celebrity student could pursue his education anywhere in the world, hearing that he would be attending somewhere in New York was helpful in narrowing things down. But we couldn’t help but wonder where in the state he was going, and we finally have an answer.

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Barron Trump is attending New York University

On September 4, Barron Trump was spotted at New York University. As usual, he was joined by an entourage of Secret Service officers who went where he went in order to keep him safe. This was a familiar enough sight, as Barron was similarly flanked by protectors while attending high school at Oxbridge Academy in Florida.

For both Barron’s fans and critics, the choice to attend NYU is a bit surprising. It’s a different school than where his father and siblings went (more on this soon), and it’s a university that many associate (rightly or wrongly) with very liberal values. Because of this, the son of a prominent conservative politician and Republican presidential candidate raised more than a few eyebrows.

Barron avoids following in his father’s footsteps

Back when nobody was exactly sure where Barron Trump would go to school, it was a common assumption that he would follow in his father’s footsteps by attending the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Business School. While Barron apparently considered that school, he ultimately went with NYU instead.

Incidentally, Donald Trump isn’t the only member of his family to go to UPenn. His children Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Tiffany Trump all went there. Previously, Eric Trump was the outlier for having gone to Georgetown University instead. Now, Eric and Barron will have something to bond over as they were the only Trump children eager to forge their own path.

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Will the election disrupt Barron’s education?

Barron Trump enrolled in New York University in time for the fall semester. This is an important time in any freshman’s life as they must acclimate to independent university living even as they navigate new classes and learn their way around campus. Sadly, it seems like Barron’s first semester is already on track to be disrupted by his father’s ambitions.

In an interview with the Daily Mail earlier this month, Donald Trump casually mentioned “we’ll see what happens with the election because, you know, it’s a complicating factor always.” He didn’t really elaborate on what that meant, but it could be that he expects Barron to join him on the campaign trail and maybe attend to him during election night. 

Honestly, while it’s sweet that Donald Trump wants this kind of support from his son, we think the kid would be better off just focusing on getting good grades and generally avoiding the political wildfires of an election year.

Being famous may have some downsides

Even if Donald Trump wasn’t getting ready to whisk Barron away for future political appearances, there is a strong chance that he could inadvertently disrupt his son’s college education. That’s because everyone knows that Barron is the son of a former president who happens to be one of the most famous faces in the world. While the Secret Service can protect the young man from threats to his life, there is nothing they can do about Barron’s family fame always making him the odd man out on campus.

From the outside looking in, the other big question for many of us is whether college life will change Barron. Once the NYU news broke, many online comedians joked that Barron is likely to fall in love with an alt-girl art student and completely rebuke his father. That may or may not happen, but we’ll be fascinated to see if father and son are still politically aligned once Barron graduates with his diploma.

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