When Donald Trump became president, many of his family members became household names. This was largely due to Trump putting them in positions of power and leveraging the presidency to help his family out.
One family member stayed relatively unknown, though. Mary Trump, 56, is Donald’s estranged niece. The daughter of Donald’s older brother Fred Trump Jr., who passed away in 1981, Mary holds a Ph.D in clinical psychology. Working mostly as a psychologist and the founder of a life coaching company, she was off our collective radar until last year. That’s when Mary announced she was releasing a tell-all book about Donald Trump called Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.
This book is all about spilling tea on Donald Trump. From college scandals to how his family really feels about him, we’ve got the full scoop on the juiciest tea that Mary Trump spills about Donald.
Donald’s parents are described as absent, sociopathic, and unloving

Critics of Donald Trump often come back to one simple question. “Why is he like this?” And this is a question that Mary Trump’s book offers a possible answer to.
In her book, Mary delves deep into the relationship between Donald Trump and his parents. His mother (also named Mary Trump) is described as “emotionally and physically absent.”
But she lays the real blame on Donald’s father Fred. “Fred seemed to have no emotional needs at all,” she claims. “In fact, he was a high-functioning sociopath.” And she believes this led Donald to his frequent “displays of narcissism, bullying, grandiosity.”
“Honest work was never demanded of him, and no matter how badly he failed, he was rewarded in ways that are almost unfathomable,” she writes.
“Donald is not simply weak, his ego is a fragile thing that must be bolstered every moment because he knows deep down that he is nothing of what he claims to be. He knows he has never been loved.”
RELATED: The Unknown Truth About Donald Trump’s Mother
Donald allegedly cheated on the SATs

Donald Trump has always displayed pride in having gone to the prestigious Wharton business school. Over the years, he has claimed that he went to “the hardest school to get into, the best school in the world” and that his college was “super genius stuff,” implying he must have been a genius to get admitted.
However, Mary claims Donald cheated his way into his original college, Fordham University. As The New York Times reports, Mary claims that Donald simply paid a friend to take his SAT test to help him get into a good college. Later, “The high score the proxy earned for him… helped the young Mr. Trump to later gain admittance when he transferred as an undergraduate to the University of Pennsylvania’s prestigious Wharton business school.”
This is one of the most serious accusations in Mary Trump’s book because it seemingly undermines all of Donald Trump’s supposed college accomplishments.
Donald gave out embarrassingly cheap Christmas gifts

Not every claim in Mary Trump’s book is about major scandals or family dysfunctions. Some claims instead focus on the sheer pettiness and cheapness that Donald Trump is capable of.
In describing one of Mary’s claims, CNN’s Kevin Liptak had this to say: “Mary Trump says Ivana and Donald gave her a three-pack of underwear for Christmas one year and an obviously regifted basket of crackers, sardines, and salami another year (with an imprint of a missing can of caviar in the cellophane wrapping).”
The whole thing is absurd enough to be laughable. The regifting is bad enough for one of the world’s wealthiest men. Did he have to steal the caviar, too?
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Donald allegedly tormented his younger brother

Mary alleges that Donald’s penchant for bullying and lying began in childhood. In fact, she claims Donald had a downright dysfunctional relationship with his younger brother Robert.
The Washington Post cites a passage in the book saying, “Donald delighted in tormenting his younger brother, Robert, whom he perceived as weaker.” As an example, “Donald repeatedly hid his brother’s favorite toys, a set of Tonka trucks he received for Christmas, and pretended he didn’t know where they were.”
When Robert began freaking out, “Donald threatened to dismantle the trucks in front of him if he didn’t stop crying.”
Depending on your own experience with siblings, this may seem like business as usual or evidence of an abusive mind.
Donald’s older sister reportedly called him ‘a clown’

Not all of Mary Trump’s observations are personal. Occasionally, she brings in the thoughts of other family members, including Donald’s older sister Maryanne Trump Barry, 84.
Now retired, Barry had a respected decades-long career as a federal judge, with court appointments from both President Reagan and President Clinton. At the time of Mary’s conversation with Barry, Barry was serving as circuit judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals.
As reported by The Independent, when Donald was running for president, Barry allegedly told Mary, “He’s a clown. This will never happen.”
When Mary pressed her aunt for information about what Donald Trump managed to accomplish on his own, Barry reportedly replied, “Well, he has had five bankruptcies.”
Nobody knows how to sting quite like family!
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Donald is allegedly faking it for evangelical voters

Maryanne Trump Barry doesn’t mince words. And this is very clear when the discussion turns to Donald Trump’s appeal to evangelical leaders and voters.
The New York Times reports Barry’s shock about Donald’s support among evangelical voters in Mary’s book. “The only time Donald went to church was when the cameras were there,” Barry reportedly said. “It’s mind-boggling. He has no principles. None!”
Trump’s enthusiasm for the Christian faith has been called into question before. Notably, he refused to name his favorite Bible verses in 2015 and mispronounced a book in the Bible in 2016, citing “Two Corinthians” instead of “Second Corinthians” at an appearance at Liberty University.
Mary compares Donald to a three-year-old

Speaking of family knowing how to sting, Mary Trump really comes for Donald early on. In fact, she offers a pretty stinging indictment on the back jacket of the book!
There, she writes, “Today, Donald is much as he was at three years old: incapable of growing, learning, or evolving, unable to regulate his emotions, moderate his responses, or take in and synthesize information.”
It’s fair to say that we should take a blurb created to sell a tell-all book with at least a little salt. But if Mary Trump is to be believed, Donald Trump is in a state of perpetual arrested development.
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