Theodore Roosevelt died many, many years before we had the internet or social media. Nonetheless, he coined the perfect phrase to describe social media: “Comparison is the thief of joy.”
That’s because social media like Instagram is full of beautiful people posting pictures of themselves. Sure, these photos are often manipulated, but most send us the message that being pretty means being thin, young, and athletic. And if those don’t all perfectly describe your own body, then Instagram may start making you feel bad about yourself.
Fortunately, the body-positive movement is here with a simple message: you are perfectly beautiful just how you are. And if you’d like more of this awesome message each day, we’ve rounded up the best body-positive activists you should follow on Instagram.
Mik Zazon (@mikzazon)
Feeling shame about your body is a bit of a spiral. Shame leads to insecurity, and insecurity often leads to more shame. That’s why we love Mik Zazon’s counsel about normalizing our insecurities even as we work on accepting ourselves for who we are.
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Nyome Nicholas-Williams (@curvynyome)
There is nothing quite like wisdom from Jamaican model and goddess Nyome Nicholas-Williams! In addition to body-positive messages, she also has a lot of great things to say about improving mental health.
Michelle Elman (@scarrednotscared)
Are you still a bit confused about what “body-positive” actually means? One of our favorite life coaches, Michelle Elman, sums it up pretty nicely: “Stop saying ‘I feel fat.’ Fat is not a feeling. If you feel bad, insecure, uncomfortable, say what you mean instead of reinforcing negative associations around fatness.”
In other words, we need to change our vocabulary if we want to be truly comfortable within our own skin.
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Kai Wes (@kai__wes)
Nonbinary people often reject traditional gender norms, but it’s easy for “enbies” to feel like the odd ones out. Fortunately, Kai Wes (perhaps best known for starring in MTV’s Are You The One?) is here to break every gender norm that you give them!
Britney Vest (@fittybrittty)
Another thing that many people feel shame over are changes their body has had over time, including things like stretch marks and cellulite. Fortunately, Britney Vest is here to remind us all of those things are beautiful because they are part of our journey that made us who and what we are now.
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Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya)
Speaking of stretch marks, Sarah Nicole Landry is here to help normalize them. And she, too, wants us to know that we should never be ashamed of what our bodies have become. Instead, we should be proud of what our bodies have overcome.
Megan Jayne Crabbe (@bodyposipanda)
Megan Jayne Crabbe has a simple description of herself over on Instagram: “woman with opinions.” And considering that she has almost 1.3 million IG followers, people really like these opinions. If you’ve been looking for a great body-positive influencer, she’s here!
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Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur)
Harnaam Kaur’s ability to grow a beard is a result of polycystic ovary syndrome, which increased the level of male hormones in her body from a young age. Bullied in her teens, Kaur used to wax and shave her beard but has now embraced it as a body positive activist.
“Today I am happy living as a young beautiful bearded woman. I have realized that this body is mine, I own it, I do not have any other body to live in so I may as well love it unconditionally,” she said in 2018.
Carolina Contreras (@miss_rizos)
We’ll admit it: sometimes, it’s easy to get jealous when you see Carolina Contreras posting images of all the perfect beaches she has visited. But this body-positive activist also goes out of her way to make us feel like we’re perfect, so we love to see her pics and posts.
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Stephanie Yeboah (@stephanieyeboah)
Body-positive activists often talk about loving the skin you’re in, but what does that actually mean? Stephanie Yeboah gets down to cases by talking about the need to love and admire qualities such as dark thighs instead of shunning them.
Kadeeja Sel Khan (@emeraldxbeauty)
You might think acne is simply part of our awkward teenage years. But for many of us, acne is an ugly part of our daily reality. But Kadeeja Sel Khan is here to teach acceptance while also promoting a more authentic look at what people on Instagram would look like without all those filters and all that Photoshop.
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Neha Parulkar (@nehaparulkar)
Ever hear the old phrase “don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good?” Well, plus-sized model Neha Parulkar is here with a related message: “it’s ok to not be perfect, nobody really is.”
Real talk like this is exactly why you should be following her!
Kellie Brown (@itsmekellieb)
Kellie Brown isn’t just a body positive activist. She also offers home decorating tips, a thriving TikTok presence, and even an awesome podcast. Honestly, we’re kind of jealous about her productivity!
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Anna Sweeney (@dietitiananna)
When it comes to body positivity and body acceptance, Anna Sweeney really fires on all cylinders. As a disabled woman, she helps promote disability rights and awareness. And as a “Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian and Supervisor,” she is uniquely qualified to help those who suffer from eating disorders.