The Harry and Meghan Lawsuit Explained | InstantHub

The Harry and Meghan Lawsuit Explained

Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, often make the headlines. However, they took the world by both storm and surprise when they announced a major lawsuit against the press. The entire affair is just as complicated as any Shakespearean drama or royal affair. Fortunately, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide so you can understand this whole royal mess.

8 Surprising Facts About Donald Trump's Marriage | InstantHub

8 Surprising Facts About Donald Trump’s Marriage

Between his wild Twitter antics and even wilder political scandals, President Donald Trump is always full of surprises. However, the biggest surprises may be happening behind closed doors with his marriage. Donald and Melania Trump have one of the most unpredictable marriages in the history of the presidency. Here are a few of the most surprising facts that we have discovered.

Top 10 Moments at the 2019 Emmy Awards

Top 10 Moments at the 2019 Emmy Awards

The Emmys are about more than winners and losers. It’s a night where the biggest TV stars gather together and just about anything can happen. And “anything goes” was certainly the theme for this year! From red carpet transformations to epic onstage burns, there was...

Child Stars Destroyed By Fame | InstantHub

8 Child Stars Destroyed By Fame

popularity of Stranger Things has reignited the worldwide fascination with child stars. It’s wild to see how talented these children are and exciting to imagine what their future careers will be like. Unfortunately, some child stars never reach that future career. The exposure to fame and fortune at a young age destroys their careers and, in some cases, their lives. The only way to avoid that grim future is to learn from the past. So here is our breakdown of the biggest child stars destroyed by fame.

10 Highest-Paid Athletes of 2019 | InstantHub

10 Highest-Paid Athletes of 2019

We know that athletes pay for their success with tons of training and hard work. But how are your favorite athletes paid back? This is a comprehensive guide to the 10 highest-paid athletes of 2019. Let’s see if your favorite player made the list!