The Weirdest Things About Donald and Barron Trump’s Relationship

A new election season is upon us, but this year’s big race is a real blast from the past. Once again, Joe Biden and Donald Trump are vying for the presidency. Once again, Trump’s desire to always be in the spotlight means that he and his family are constantly making headlines, giving interviews, and leading rallies of energetic supporters.

The exception to that spotlight is Barron Trump, the young high school graduate who seemingly wants nothing to do with his father’s politics. Depending on who you talk to, he may also want nothing to do with his father at all. However, Barron himself is so reclusive that it can be difficult to get a feel for what is really going on.

Don’t worry…this is where we come in. We’ve read the interviews, compiled the sources, and reviewed the evidence. Keep reading to discover the absolute weirdest things about Donald and Barron Trump’s relationship!

Donald Trump’s hands-off upbringing of Barron

These days, Donald Trump will be the first to tell you that he has a great relationship with Barron. That may very well be true, but when Barron was much younger, it sounds like his father didn’t want to help with his upbringing in any way. Shortly after his youngest son was born, Donald Trump told the New York Post that “I would never ask to change him,” he claimed, before saying that he was willing but that his wife would disapprove. “I would love to change him! But Melania probably wouldn’t let me. I’d just do it wrong.”

In a later discussion with Howard Stern, Trump was blunter about how little he really did. As reported by the New York Times, he said, “I like kids. I mean, I won’t do anything to take care of them,” he said. “I’ll supply funds and she’ll take care of the kids. It’s not like I’m gonna be walking the kids down Central Park.” Later, his ex-wife Ivana Trump confirmed that her husband had never changed a diaper for their three children and never really spoke to the children until they were in college and could comfortably talk about business matters.

RELATED: Surprising Secrets About Barron Trump’s Childhood Now Revealed

Rumors of petty jealousy

Now that Barron Trump is a bit older, you might think that he and his father would have a lot to talk about. However, Barron has only grown taller with age and now towers over his father. And there are some who claim that Donald Trump’s jealousy over his son’s height has actually damaged their relationship.

In point of fact, the journalist Michael Wolff told MSNBC that Trump is “jealous of everyone’s height. He never lets himself be in a photograph with someone taller than he is.” Continuing, he claimed that, “Height is his — is one of his techniques. He uses his height — and, remember, Donald Trump is a very large man.”

Later, when Trump appeared on Logan Paul’s podcast, he recounted telling his son “’Barron, I don’t want to take a picture next to you.” This may just be a joke, but it provided plenty of fire for the speculation that the father is jealous of his son’s height.

Did Donald Trump forget he has a son?

Remember when we touched on Trump not doing much to help with Barron’s upbringing? It’s possible this made the two overly distant. At least, that’s one explanation for the bizarre 2019 press conference where Trump seemingly forgot that Barron was his son.

After bringing up Melania in a discussion about the vaping crisis, Trump said “She’s got a son — together. That is a beautiful young man, and she feels very, very strongly about it.” The phrasing on this is so odd and seems to represent Trump emphasizing that Barron is Melania’s kid and not his own. In addition to making it look like they don’t have much of a relationship, this strange phrasing has led to the ongoing conspiracy that Donald Trump is not Barron’s biological father.

RELATED: The Surprisingly Traumatic Life Of Barron Trump

Barron has half a foot in, half a foot out of his dad’s job

Once Donald Trump was elected president, it took no time for family members (especially Ivanka Trump, who was hired as a White House advisor) to help dear old dad with politics. Now that Barron Trump is getting older, many have wondered if he might follow his dad into politics. According to the former president, his son will occasionally offer political advice but otherwise stays out of politics.

Others claim that the father/son relationship is more fractured than we imagine. Michael Wolff told MSNBC that Trump “really doesn’t — he doesn’t get along with his son, he doesn’t communicate with his son. He doesn’t — his son is effectively not at all a part of his life, even though he lives with him.”

This is an explosive claim, but it echoes the thoughts of Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a former Melania Trump aide who claims the woman’s marriage to her famous husband is a complete sham. According to her, both Melania and Barron were just ways of normalizing Donald Trump during the height of his reality television fame.