Hillary Clinton Shares Tender Moment Between Michelle Obama and Melania Trump

It’s an open secret that modern American politics would be unrecognizable to our Founding Fathers. Even though political matters affect the entire nation, most people treat this like sports, rooting for their favorite team and caring about winning at all costs. This is especially true when you consider rivalries between presidents and presidential candidates, with these individuals effectively embodying the warring sides of a very divided nation.

For example, the bitter rivalry between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is legendary. And while President Obama usually didn’t respond to them, Trump frequently attacked the man, claiming that he wasn’t an American citizen and championing the bizarre (and insanely racist) “Birther” conspiracy. Finally, Donald Trump retains a serious hatred of Joe Biden, his former political rival.

Because of these rivalries, we were shocked to learn that there was one very sweet moment between the most unlikely people: Michelle Obama, Jill Biden, and Melania Trump. It’s a moment we only know about because of her latest book. Just what did Clinton write, and how will it change how you view American politics? Keep reading to find out!

A tale of two memoirs

Part of what makes this story so weird is the timing of two very different books from two very different national influencers. Melania Trump is about to release a memoir and has been hyping it up on social media. In marketing the book, she has revealed some real surprises, including the fact that she is very proud of the nude modeling that was once the source of major scandal when she was the First Lady.

Strangely enough, fellow First Lady Hillary Clinton just released her own book a little over a month before Melania’s memoir is set to come out. As you might expect, Clinton’s book reveals plenty of details from a lifetime of political service. But it also reveals the most surprising interaction between Michelle Obama, Jill Biden, and Melania Trump, one that may change how you view their relationship.

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Melania Trump’s surprise appearance

Given that Melania Trump, wife of Donald Trump, has very different politics from the other three women, there aren’t many occasions for her to really hang out with Hillary Clinton, Melania Trump, and Jill Biden. What, then, could bring all of these women together for the aforementioned tender moment?

The occasion was a sad one: the funeral of Rosalynn Carter, wife of former President Jimmy Carter. It’s an informal tradition for former presidents and their spouses to show up for such events, which is why Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama were there. Both women were surprised to see Melania Trump, and even the controversial FLOTUS seemed surprised that she came. But that was just the beginning of a day full of surprises for the three women. 

The sweet moment between Melania Trump and Michelle Obama

On paper, it seemed like Melania Trump was walking into the lion’s den here. Her husband had repeatedly launched vicious attacks against Michelle’s husband Barack Obama and against Hillary Clinton directly. And Trump particularly hated Jill’s spouse Joe Biden, who defeated the man in the 2020 election.

The whole time, Melania had always stood by her husband, supporting his wildest statements and stirring a few controversies of her own. Given all that, one might think these powerful women were heading toward a nasty showdown.

However, things went down much more peacefully, with the other women approaching an uncertain Melania. Jill Biden joined them, and she air-kissed Melania’s cheek. Michelle Obama, in turn, gave Melania a huge hug. Just like that, all of the potential tension in the air completely evaporated.

RELATED: The Most Heartbreaking Details About Melania Trump’s Life

Hillary Clinton’s sympathy towards her rival’s wife

Hillary Clinton was obviously at Rosalynn Carter’s funeral, witnessing the sweet moment between these women that she wrote about in her memoir. As for Clinton, she had her own touching (albeit more reserved) moment with Melania Trump. When all the women went over to greet her, Hillary ended up shaking Melania’s hand.

Shaking her hand was easier than you might think because Clinton felt great sympathy towards Melania despite her husband’s history of awful insults. “I can appreciate how awkward it must have been, not knowing what kind of reception she would get after all her husband’s insults directed at us Bushes, Bidens, Obamas, and Clintons alike,” she wrote.

Why Michelle’s affection for Melania Trump was so surprising

The interaction between Jill Biden, Michelle Obama, and Melania Trump was as heartwarming as it was surprising. Clinton’s peaceful handshake was similarly shocking. But out of all the women, it was Michelle’s grace and kindness that was the most surprising.

That’s not because Michelle Obama is cruel…she is famous for being kind and big-hearted. However, Melania had previously snubbed her: when the two met for tea at the White House after Donald Trump won the 2016 election, Michelle offered to give advice to the other woman whenever she needed it. Melania never called, though, something that Michelle wrote about in her own famous memoir Becoming.

Honestly, if we had been snubbed like that, the last thing we’d be doing is hug Melania Trump. As always, though, Michelle Obama remains the embodiment of grace and class.

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