For most of us, fashion is the last thing we’re thinking of during Christmas. In fact, the most important piece of fashion is usually donning your stretchy pants before you go back for another plate of food and some spicy eggnog.
Celebrities, though, must make an impression wherever they go. That’s why most celebs do their best to dazzle in Christmas outfits. Some of these looks will blow your mind… and others will make you wonder just what the heck they were thinking.
Without further ado, here are the best and worst celebrity Christmas outfits.
Khloe Kardashian
Khloe Kardashian’s golden dress may not seem very seasonal. That is, unless she’s dressing as one of the Wise Men’s gifts. But it’s impossible to deny that this golden and glamorous look makes for a serious impression.
The outfit somehow manages to go well with both her hair and her holiday decor. That’s why she is leading our list as one of the best-dressed celebs for this holiday season!
Kylie Jenner

Green is a quintessential holiday color. However, it’s tough to pull it off. The wrong shade or material may have you looking more like The Grinch, and that’s one look that definitely won’t be stealing Christmas.
Kylie Jenner, though, knows just how to pull off this color. It makes her skin positively glow, and the outfit is eye-catching without being ostentatious. With this look, she has channeled the vibe of the modest “girl next door” that nobody can stop staring at!
Christina Aguilera

One of the most memorable comments from Donnie Darko was, “Sometimes, I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.” Maybe Christina Aguilera is a fan of the film: she certainly makes every outfit sparkle!
For this look, she threw “simple” and “modest” right out of the window. Instead, she went with a bold design that helps her light up the room like a Christmas tree. It helps that she knows how to pose for the perfect pic as well. It seems like “once a diva, always a diva” for this starry singer.
Reese Witherspoon

Looking good is so complicated because it’s all about balance. For example, if you’re rocking dazzling accessories and a busy dress, it’s tough to know what we’re supposed to look at first. Instead of dripping with fashion, your outfit will be dripping with confusion instead.
Veteran actor Reese Witherspoon has figured out the perfect balance. At first glance, her little black dress (a staple of every girl’s wardrobe) may seem a bit simple. But it helps her show off her breathtaking earrings. Like the stars in the sky, they shine brighter because of the black background.
Matt Damon

The holidays are a great time to try a bold, new look. But there is such a thing as too bold. And Matt Damon’s idea of “bold” is everyone else’s idea of “what the heck were you thinking?”
This seems to be his version of the iconic “ugly Christmas sweater.” Only he turned it into an ugly vest instead. And then wore it on top of a button-up and tie.
In the end, this outfit looks more like something Cousin Eddie from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation would rock rather than movie star Matt Damon!
Whoopi Goldberg

Whoopi Goldberg is a generational icon. Her roles have inspired millions of people to embrace a better life. However, this holiday outfit is far from inspirational!
The ugly sweater by itself is okay… it’s not especially memorable, but it’s not especially offensive. But she pairs it with the drab trenchcoat and the mom jeans, and that turns the entire look into a hot mess.
In a way, she’s committing the same fashion sins as Matt Damon. Better to pick a look and stick to it than try to look like everything at once!
Michael Shannon

The line between an awful outfit and an awesome outfit is a thin one. For instance, someone can take a terrible look and lean into it. By owning up to the fashion statement, you can create a style all your own.
Unfortunately, Michael Shannon has not mastered this particular skill. His ugly sweater outfit (complete with “I Light Up” sticker) is pretty bad, but it was something he could possibly salvage with some star-powered swagger.