Is Chelsea Clinton Hiding That She Had Plastic Surgery?

Thanks to her famous father, Chelsea Clinton has been a celebrity since she was young. That kind of fame has opened many doors for her that would otherwise have remained closed. However, it has also meant that the young woman has spent nearly her entire...

Hillary Clinton’s Most Embarrassing Media Moments

Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton certainly seem made for each other, and that’s not always a good thing. For example, Bill Clinton was a major magnet for controversy when he was the governor of Arkansas and especially when he was president of the United States....

The Most Suspicious Things About Bill Clinton’s Presidency

One of the more fascinating things about American politics is that certain narratives are almost immediately assigned to their administrations. For example, Bill Clinton oversaw the tech boom as well as a booming economy. Between these things and his being a Democrat, there is a...

The Biggest Female Politicians in History

It’s an open secret that the glass ceiling is alive and well in many places, especially in American politics. While the number of female politicians is growing, this is a field that is still dominated by male politicians. In order to stand out in this...

Photos of Hillary Clinton She Never Wanted Us to See

Hillary Clinton has been a major part of our culture for decades. At first, she was in the shadow of her husband, Bill Clinton. Soon, though, Hillary embraced being the career politician of the family, and she held prominent governmental roles long after her husband’s...

The Most Embarrassing Presidential Moments Caught On Camera

Part of being the United States president is projecting an image of strength and confidence. In other words, the last thing the president wants to do is get caught doing something embarrassing. But here’s the rub: the president always has more media attention than almost...