When we think about our own wealth, most of us just think in broad terms. This includes ideas such as “middle-class” and “upper-class.” However, the very wealthy are in a class all their own! When it comes to the rich and the famous, most of...

When we think about our own wealth, most of us just think in broad terms. This includes ideas such as “middle-class” and “upper-class.” However, the very wealthy are in a class all their own! When it comes to the rich and the famous, most of...
Melania Trump occupies a pretty delicate position in the White House. While she is the public face of initiatives such as her Be Best campaign, she is also the public face of her marriage to President Donald Trump. Because of that, it’s important that the...
Since Barack Obama left office as the President of the United States, you might think he and his family had no more surprises to offer. However, thanks to Michelle Obama, this family keeps on dropping our jaws to the ground! While doing press for her...
When it comes to royalty, scandal just seems to be part of the playbook — and the higher the rank, the bigger the story. So, it’s no surprise that every relationship the royals have is put under a magnifying glass and the worst assumed. Case...
After we all saw police officer Derek Chauvin kill George Floyd, protests and riots erupted in America and around the world. And the central theme of these protests is to raise awareness that black lives matter and our need for a national discussion about police...
As the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk is a polarizing public figure. Many of his silly quirks and outright meltdowns occur in the open for everyone to see. At the same time, he’s a rich eccentric who keeps many aspects of his personal...
British royalty equals instant celebrity. And when you place an existing celebrity like Meghan Markle into the royal family, you get some truly celebrity-sized drama! The biggest example of this is the alleged feud between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton. It has become the stuff...
Elon Musk is one of the most controversial figures in the world. As the CEO of companies like Tesla and SpaceX, with a net worth of over $36 billion, he has been described as the closest thing we’ve got to a real-life Tony Stark. At...
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed countless lives. As everyone hunkers down during their social isolation, it has become a major struggle to find things to keep both busy and happy. This is one of the few struggles in life that affects everyone regardless of their...
Michelle Obama achieved international fame as the wife of President Barack Obama. However, this first lady didn’t stay in her husband’s shadow very long. And thanks to her autobiography Becoming, we know much more about Michelle’s childhood and who shaped her into the woman she...