An Insider Weighs In On Whether Melania Trump Will Divorce Donald

One of Donald Trump’s most consistent qualities is that he makes his family part of his political life in the most public way possible. This included having all of his children join him on the campaign trail at different points and even making Ivanka an official White House advisor. But the most consistent family member that has graced his campaign is Melania Trump, his third wife and mother to his youngest son.

Melania seems to have largely pulled back on her public appearances during Trump’s third presidential election campaign. This, combined with some of Donald’s own antics, has fueled constant rumors that the two might get divorced if he doesn’t win the election. Now,  Melania’s former communications director and chief of staff has weighed in on the issue, and what she has to say is certain to shock you.

Just what did this former Trump insider have to say, and what does it mean for the marital future of Donald and Melania Trump? Keep reading to find out!

Constant rumors of divorce

Those who have been paying attention know that rumors of Melania Trump divorcing her husband go back even further than Donald Trump’s political ambitions. Shortly before Barron Trump was born, Trump admitted to shock jock Howard Stern that he didn’t plan on helping Melania out with things like changing diapers or even basic childcare. This, combined with his fascination (a fascination that seemingly bordered on the erotic) with his daughter Ivanka Trump, was enough to make some people think Melania was destined to leave him.

Those early divorce rumors solidified when Donald Trump secured the Republican presidential nomination and reporters began digging into his past. The world heard Trump casually admit on a recording that he likes to sexually assault women (“grab them by the p***y”) because he feels like he can do anything. Later, he was accused of paying a porn star (Stormy Daniels) to keep quiet about their affair for fear it would disrupt his election chances.

Obviously, none of this kept Donald Trump from winning the presidential election in 2016. And none of it made Melania divorce him. But could that be about to change?

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Melania’s shocking announcement solidifies those rumors

Recently, Melania Trump has been doing promotions for her new book. This includes making video statements on X (formerly Twitter) that seemed remarkably out of character. The most shocking was her seeming support for abortion, with her saying, “Without a doubt there is no room for compromise when it comes to this essential right that all women possess from birth.” 

Abortion is a major issue for Donald Trump during this latest presidential campaign, and opposing it is a major issue (for some, the only issue) for his supporters. Therefore, Melania coming out of nowhere and publicly declaring that she has broken from her husband on this issue kicked off a new round of rumors that she is getting ready to divorce her husband.

Donald Trump affair rumors light the internet on fire

It’s not just Melania’s shocking revelations on social media that have fueled rumors of her impending divorce from Donald Trump. There have also been persistent rumors that Donald is having an affair with Laura Loomer, a far-right influencer and activist who has become a mainstay of his campaign appearances.

Loomer herself has repeatedly denied these rumors, and there is admittedly little substance to the rumors except that she and Trump seem a bit too cozy on the campaign trail. But for many doing the speculating, the bottom line is that Melania is rarely with Trump at these campaigns and that Donald is putting his arm around another woman while the camera is rolling. To many, that is enough to cause speculation about the health of his and Melania’s marriage.

However, according to someone in the know, these two aren’t likely to get divorced anytime soon. And the reasons for that are fairly shocking!

RELATED: The Dark Rumors of Why Melania Trump Skips Public Appearances With Donald Trump

A Melania insider claims she and Donald are a team

Once upon a time, Stephanie Grisham and Melania Trump were very close. Grisham functioned as the other woman’s communications director and chief of staff, and after they had a falling out, she went on to publish I’ll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw at the Trump White House. There now seems to be no love lost between the two women, but Grisham has more knowledge and authority than almost anyone on the planet when it comes to the relationship between Donald and Melania Trump.

In an exclusive interview with NickiSwift, Grisham said that a divorce between the Trumps was seriously unlikely. “They [definitely] have a partnership,” she said, before adding that “they also lead very separate lives already.” In other words, these two are usually on the same page, and their lifestyles already afford one another plenty of freedom and space.

Additionally, Grisham claims that is Melania is “much more like her husband than people realize.” While she didn’t elaborate on this point, it is likely she is addressing that each one has a selfish motive to stay together: the two are worth more, financially and culturally, together than apart. So if you’ve been waiting for Melania to finally divorce Donald, you might need to make peace with the fact that it will probably never happen.